Most people look down on communications majors. They say it's an easy major and not really that big of a deal. Some even chuckle and minimize the accomplishment amongst their Bachelor of Science kin but I think there's real merit in a communications major, because, well, I am one. Ok, I know pre-med and accounting majors are crazy tough but I think there's a lot to be said about well, saying things correctly. I feel so strongly about it that I have devoted a large portion of my life to that cause. And I have instilled this in my three OS, the value in being able to articulate their thoughts in a cogent and engaging manner. It has been a joy in my 18 years of motherhood to see my children flourish in this area of life. To think that I could have passed on a skill to my sons is incredibly humbling and rewarding. I have little to offer them athletically or intellectually. In fact, sometimes I think I don't have much to give or offer, that the only things they could ever get from me are less than admirable qualities. (just being real here) Maybe that's why this means so much.
However, last week I saw the Lord bestow a gift upon me. I saw my oldest OS address his high school class for one last time. Nathan was selected by his classmates to be one of a few chosen students asked to impart some final thoughts to his fellow seniors, underclassmen and their families. At the senior assembly, Nathan sent a charge to those left behind. He deftly handled the microphone and boldly proclaimed a powerful message. I have included a YouTube link if you want to see it. It's a little hard to hear but so sweet. Worth 3:47 minutes of your life.
This week, my middle OS will also speak. He will address his middle school classmates. As the student body president for middle school, Aaron will offer his reflections upon his time in middle school. I have heard snippets of this presentation and I think it is quintessentially Spurny (my nickname for my boy which only his family is allowed to call him so don't even try).
In a few weeks, I will be speaking at a high school baccalaureate to about 500 people and I pray my words will be as wise and clever as my children's. This will be a daunting task so please pray that I will only share the words the Lord desires in a cogent and engaging manner. (sound familiar?)
I beamed with pride as I watched my beautiful child wax so eloquently. Here are a few of my favorite quotes,
"Don't think that you have to be a straight A student to do well because life isn't about grades and you are much more than your report card. You are the son or the daughter of the King of the Universe and He deserves nothing less than your best."
"My parting message to you is to always do your best no matter what happens and no matter what life throws at you. In the end, you must do your best because you know that you are working for someone for greater than yourself. You're not working for your parents or your teachers, you're working for Jesus."
If we are able to tape Aaron's message, I will also post a link. Today I simply pause and puff with pride (in a motherly and most appropriate way, not cocky or boastful, but rather in a humbling and deeply thankful way) and consider this...
Proverbs 25:11
"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
Trying not to cry, I simply say...