In the meantime...
So many blog posts I have started and been unable to finish. I love to write and this is a wonderful vehicle of self-expression; however, I have begun to receive really gross comments on my posts. There's nothing that creates writer's block more than pornographic comments on a seemingly innocent message. I have since made changes on my blog to prevent this from happening...I hope. I can't even imagine typing some of the words I have seen on my comments, we live in a really sick world. What is up with some people!
And I recently had dental surgery which, when combined with lingering health issues, makes writing even more challenging. An extraction of a molar and then a dental implant on a pre-molar the same day on the same side of my mouth do not top my favorite things to do list. I have felt like a pork roast and that is something I never thought I would say. How does one feel like a pork roast? You know how the butcher ties pieces of meat together with string? Well, that is how my mouth has felt and yes, that is icky. The surgical strings my mouth are gone since last Sunday and I was thrilled and revolted all at the same time. And because I know it feels to have people describe things you'd rather not read about, I will spare you graphic details about the clove-dipped gauze I experienced on Monday. It's fair statement to now say I have also felt like a ham. I haven't had any complications, praise the Lord but as the doctor stated, my mouth is reminding me I'm not 18 anymore and recovery takes longer.

My grandma is settling into her new home but the transition is draining for all involved. If I want to make myself burst into tears while simultaneously feeling like a pork roast or a ham, (do not try that at home!), I can focus on the sad aspects of my grandma's move. But I am consciously choosing to not dwell on the things that cannot change and be attentive to the blessings. My sister has poured herself out to my grandma and given sacrificially of her time and talents. My aunt and uncle have bravely loved Grandma even when she is angry, bitter and confused about why the change was necessary. My grandma looks beautiful and has moments of lucidity. There are good things that are coming out of this even if it isn't easy.
In my next post I will share the cool things my cadet has been doing lately. He comes home tomorrow for Spring Break and I can't wait to have our five-piece puzzle intact again!
More soon!
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