Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday remix - the awesome sound of "Mom"

I wrote this for a MOPS newsletter 10 years ago. Hope you enjoy!
Also, there is still time to enter my first give-away. Just comment on this post or this one and you'll be entered to win!

I look out the window and in the midst of barren trees and gray roads, I see two figures heading my way. Backpacks loaded with homework, books, notes from teachers; these two little people; one with a FSU baseball cap, the other with a stick in his hand turn onto my street. They head up my driveway, they open my door and they cheerfully say, "Hi, Mom!"

Nate and sister Denise at an FSU game!
This is how I often experience the world around 2:30 PM Monday through Friday. You'd think I'd be used to my boys calling me "Mom," after all, I've been one almost for 11 years. But it still blows me away. I'm still overwhelmed each time my boys put their arms around me, then reluctantly give or receive a kiss. They utter the short mono-syllabic word "Mom" while actually looking at me and I melt like butter.

How'd it happen? The crazy college days, the year in France, they are ancient memories for me. How did it happen that the Lord chose me to be a parent? Surely He's observed my foolishness. In fact, God could write a book about all the regrettable things I have done. However, in my book of life, the Lord has chosen to erase my mistakes and forgive my sins. In their place, God has filled those pages with infinite memories of these extraordinary creations.
working it in France circa 1982

In His mercy and compassion, He gave me the three greatest sons I could have ever possibly imagined! The big belly housing their tiny lives is gone but they, my boys have remained. Amazing! 

There's a lot of orange going on up in hur!
And as if that weren't enough, all I have to do is glance at Isaac's red hair and my mouth wants to drop open. I never expected a redhead, what a blessing. When God made Isaac, He gave me a delightful surprise and a nifty conversation piece. I can't tell you how many people have asked us how Ike got that copper mop on his head. 

I'm their mom. I helped create them. The Lord has loaned them to my husband and me with big expectations of leading our sons to love Him. How cool and incredible is that? And in addition, for a season, the Lord has allowed me the honor of sharing these experiences with you. 

I realize that some of you who read this can only dream of the day when your baby with her/his own lips speaks the sweet pronoun "Mommy" while in your arms. Those long, sleepless nights, the ear infections, teething, temper tantrums can be so exhausting but it's all worth it when you hear that little voice acknowledge you as Mother.
one of their favorite past-times = fishing
The lovely melody of this small word is such a treasure and a gift. Whether your child is cooing and crawling or chatting all the way to pre-school, it's true, you are a mother. Press that unbelievable title upon your heart and give thanks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Cindy! What a special reflection back at a snapshot in time, but one that goes on and on. You said it much better than I ever could, parenthood is a such a blessing!