Sunday, January 22, 2012

May the words of my mouth be pleasing to you

MOPS blessed me so much
when my OS were younger!
On Tuesday, I will be speaking to a local MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group. The first time I was scheduled to speak, I had to cancel due to a delay in my oldest OS's surgery. When the group asked me again, I debated about if it was really the right thing to do, not because of MOPS at all, (I love MOPS)! but because of me.

Have you ever tried to come up with an answer for not doing something? I have, I do, I'm sure I will do it again, unfortunately. Sometimes I've got good reasons and other times the reasons are really just excuses. They are petty and selfish, utterly lacking sound judgment. 

"Wow, I've got a lot going on
but I'm not going to let it stop me!"
David Brainerd, the man
The great and humble missionary to the North American Indians, David Brainerd was the man. Soon I must share the impact David Brainerd's life and testimony have had on me though he lived in the 1700's. He struggled with depression and suffered greatly. I highly recommend reading The Life and Diary of David Brainerd. 

"Who cares about a little consumption
and depression? I've got work to do!" 
Thanks to the trusty stylus harnessed to my Kindle Fire, I have highlighted many of his spiritual insights. Here's one fitting of my upcoming message and bespeaks my heart "...when God enables me sensibly to find that I have done something for him, this refreshes and animates me, so that I could break through all hardships, undergo any labors, and nothing seems too much either to do...". Yeah, I so get this. 
I'm so diggin' this
Now I'm wondering, what have you been recently asked to you? Did you do it? What has recently refreshed and animated you? The message I prepared this week isn't the one I originally intended but I sense a prompting to share it. Let me be your instrument O God, feeble as I am. 

1 comment:

O Boys Mommy said...

Great job. I really enjoyed your message and it spoke directly to me as I have three olive shoots of my own. I hope when I'm where you are (mine are only 4,3, & 10 months) that I can be encouraging to those facing this journey of parenthood.