I don't get it and I guess I never will. While driving to see family in South Carolina, Nate spotted a sign to a store I would have easily overlooked. "Dad, can we go there?" he inquired and all the guy heads perked up with the mere mention of the store Nathan wanted to visit - Delk's Army-Navy Surplus - no pretty store window dressing, no eye-catching fashions or thumping music - just a Army issue green sign which read Military Supplies.
Everything you might ever possibly need regarding the military was there. We're talking K-Rations, camo pants, gas masks, resin replica assault rifles which my three OS really wanted, hand grenade candle holders (they wouldn't match my decor) and more. Parachute jackets, ammo boxes, metal helmets, you get the picture.
The entire store was basically covered in brown, green or black. I couldn't find one pretty thing in the building! This was really man's land. Only upon exhaustive searching, did I discover one teeny spot of thin, pink piece of nylon rope which made me feel only a little bit better.
My husband and sons were fascinated, I was ready to go.
We walked down the aisles and when we spotted the plastic military shields for $25, it was almost more than they could handle. I guess the girl equivalent would be like going to Archivers, a scrapbooking store.
I felt like quite a good wife and mom venturing into a place like that but I know that they have gone into candle stores and boutiques humoring me.
In a way, I actually found Delks Army-Navy Surplus store quite interesting but not so much so that I have to go back anytime soon.
As I looked at the sign, I noticed a typo. Can you spot it?
Too bad I didn't have a machine gun to shoot in an apostrophe. At least now I know where I can get one!
It's a man's world after all. But we sure like having that gun toten-hand grenade throwin-vital cooken-arm punchin woman along to keep us company.
Thanks for being a good military mommy (and wife).
Yeah! I can read your blog.
I can just see your little men getting all excited about the store. What a good mother & wife you are to go in with them. Perhaps you can go to a girly store on the way home.
Lorri aka OD
I feel like I need to spit or something manly after reading that. Is this what is in my future. Its about all I can handle (typo intentional).
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