After all the exhaustive effort, the travail, at last Pajama Day was at hand.
I had finished my middle OS's pajama pants around 11:30pm Sunday night, the costume was ready.
Before I reveal the actual outfit, you need some background. We have a standing joke in my family that I have yet to grow tired of saying. True, everybody in my family is tired of hearing this joke but that's beside the point. Here it is...every time my sons eat something healthy, especially if it is green, I tell them something marvelous is going to happen to them in the near future. A very special, VERY manly thing that will leave them eternally gratefully for having me as their mom and for having eaten that healthy, green thing.
I tell them that thanks to eating that healthy thing and having me as their mom, they are going to grow chest hair. And not just little tufts here and there, my friends. Not just a random hair on a barren land, oh no, we're talking prolific amounts of chest hair, a veritable yet tasteful explosion of virulity and testorone will arrive shortly.

Essentially I say the same thing each time but I have a knack for making it sound fresh and new. For example, Ike will be sitting at the dinner table, eating/being forced to eat some salad and I will affirm him by saying, "Isaac, that salad is going to grow a centimeter of hair on your chest one day!" Or recently when they tried/were forced to try brussels sprouts, I encouraged my youngest OS after he ate/choked one of them down with these supportive words, "Oh, Ike just you wait, Man. You are so gonna grow some chest hair!"
How does that relate to Pajama Day?...take a look at these pictures, dear friends...
To the untrained eye, this might look like real chest hair. That would be wrong. On one of my million trips to the fabric store, I purchased some fake fur. My expert (HA!) seamstress skills allowed me to sew some "chest hair" onto a ripped t-shirt. I wanted to sew "back hair" also but felt close to exhaustion.
Aaron played the part to the hilt, from the beginning of the morning at home till the end of school that afternoon, my boy scratched his newly sprouted chest hair to the disgust of all the freshman girls and possibly some of the teachers. I don't think it is humanly possible to have more fun with chest hair, real or otherwise, than we had that day!
Unless something new develops, I'll soon blog about the new painting in our house from a talented and aspiring artist, as well as Mr. Grumpy Box of Crayons and The Wiggles AND a certain Cadet of the Quarter I know quite well and the new SNUGLET model who might one day seriously be strutting the cat walk! ;) Stay tuned and come back soon, love to hear from you if you have enjoyed any of these posts.
Is it just me or is that chest hair really really sexy?
I'm speechless! You crack me up!
Very funny and entertaining!
I am going to try and leave my comment since it worked last time. I love love the Pajama Day! You worked very hard and I am impressed by your creative talents.Your guys are lucky to have such a fun mama, you make everything a celebration and create lots of wonderful memories. What a good mama you are and I have a lovely daughter who has always known how to make me laugh. love you,
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