Well before I introduce her to you, let me tell you how we first met. We had a tour of the barracks during PPW and Nate showed us his room. He and his two roommates took a lot of pride in the cleanliness of their room. Sparsely decorated unlike a traditional college dorm room, there are no empty beer bottles, posters and personal items filling the cramped quarters. Nate has a picture frame collage we gave him during Beast that has an assortment of pictures of family and friends and that's the only way you'd know it was his space.
Overlooking Nate's desk is a scenic view of Legion Square which is where the first bat- talion/first regiment is and where, while doing home-work, he can see cadets walking to and from class and other activities. He can also witness crazy cadet antics which add a little levity to the pressure-packed environment. Water bottles jettison between the barracks. Milk cartons become white, liquid missiles catapulting in the late winter night. Fruit-flavored yogurts are hurled with wild abandon.

Sounds like fun!
But in the midst of all this bravado and hi jinks, Nate can sometimes be seen snuggling with his special girl. What?? How can a cadet, let alone a lowly plebe hang out and snuggle with a girlfriend? Well, it's easy when your girlfriend is a blanket.
Nate's gf is a Green Girl which is a West Point term for the green blanket covering every cadet's bed.
She is the best girlfriend my OS can have right now. She is always there when he needs her. She's affectionate but not overbearing. She is low-maintenance and never jealous. Based on this picture, I think it's a long-term relationship.
When I met Green Girl, I liked her right away and that's saying a lot as a mom of three sons. I was expecting to have mixed feelings when I met my son's special lady but I didn't. I think this is a sign of my maturation. I knew the day was coming when Nate would have a girlfriend and I must say, I'm doing quite well.
Don't you think they make a cute couple! We love you Green Girl, welcome to the family!
Next blog post...Smiles...learn an exciting folding technique that will surely revolutionize your life!
wow. i'm so glad you tricked everyone into thinking i had a human girlfriend, only to let them know my "girlfriend" is actually a blanket. thanks a lot. i feel so great/insulted/loserish.
-your ex-son
hhah! I love it!! that's so awesome. Go Nate!!
No worries Nate. She's HOT!!!
That GF is one lucky girlfriend!
I want you to know that your blog is so relatable as my son is a plebe and looks out at Legion Square, too. I have followed your blog since R Day and just love your West Point posts as they are so well written and positive and joyful no matter what is happening. I told my husband about your blog and how it brings comfort and joy, and lo and behold when we parked at West Point on Saturday of Plebe Parent Weekend, you parked right next to us and said "hello." I told my husband that you were the beautiful blog lady. I wanted to tell you this but felt awestruck, star struck even and didn't want to embarrass you nor take time away from you getting to your son and the festivities. So, thank you, though, for writing and sharing and making this plebe scrap book record of sorts of your perspective as it gives me some one to relate to during these times. Blessings!
PS My son has a green girl and a GF, too, and I think a green girl is so much safer and the best kind of girl at times! :)
Wow! I don't think my head is going to fit through my front door anymore! How sweet and kind of you! I wish you would have said "Hi!" but I understand. You wouldn't have disrupted me a bit! Please stay in touch and let me know if you have a facebook! Thanks for making my day!
Oh thank goodness! I don't think my mama heart could take Nate being in college and having a girlfriend.
Aw Nate, don't feel loserish. You're at West Point for Pete's sake! Do you think Robert E. Lee had a girlfriend when he was there? Or Dwight Eisenhower? No, he only had a Green Girl, and he went on to become the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces. And when "President of the United States" is the second coolest title you've had, then you're definitely not a loser.
HI, again - it's me Margie who wrote before about your beautiful blog and bumping in to you - the star blogger of West Point tales! :) and not wanting to say hi but yet wanting to let you know how helpful your blog is!
My e-mail is mandgbozek@aol.com and I do have a face book, too - Marjorie Bozek.
Hope to hear from you!
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