And I'm making aprons. From about 5 in the morning, my little sewing machine is stitching away.
I pride myself on raising three godly OS who love Jesus and remember to put the toilet seat down after using it. My OS can cook, do laundry and iron. Not joyfully, mind you but nonetheless, they are developing into capable, competent men.

But apparently they have limits and they aren't going to budge.
Don't ask me why but I was cutting fabric to make some snake aprons (a future blog post to be sure) and I blithely ask my middle OS and my orange-haired, freckle faced OS a question which will live in infamy...
"Do you think that you guys would ever be interested in learning how to sew?" I inquire.
Aaron squirms and suddenly announces an urgent need to use the bathroom.
And without forethought or hesitation, with nary a consideration about how his precious mother might feel, my 13 year old Ike states, "I'd rather be castrated!"
Allrighty then, I guess that closes that subject! I didn't think either one of them would be interested but it's been confirmed, it ain't happening.
My oldest OS is applying for some exciting overseas opportunities with West Point. They would take him far, far from home and be ridiculously exciting.
But then I had an idea...I told him that I was pretty sure there was going to be an exciting opportunity aka AIAD here in our neck of the woods. And you know what he said,
"Yeah but I heard it involves aprons so I'm not interested!"

How do you like that? Hmphf!
Boys will be boys. I will sew solo, get it?
I LOVE that picture of you two! It's beautiful.
And I love the modeling picture in the post below. Your boys are hot stuff!
Sad about the game...happy for your apron business!!!! Check out my new Etsy store
When is your cadet getting home??? Mine rolls in on Thursday...can't believe it!
I am SEW enjoying this line of fodder! :) Enjoy yourself! :)
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