But in lieu of dress shopping, I have the privilege of guy shopping. Recently my OS Aaron announced to me, "Mom, you have to take me shopping!" I wasn't sure of the reason until I inquired. That's when Aaron emphatically reminded me of the Snow Ball, his school's upcoming dance. It was like a V-8 moment...you know where the guy gets whacked up the side of the head? How could I forget?
However as soon as my 15 year old OS told me that, I also translated his sentence. Really what he was saying is, "Mom, I need for you to buy me some new clothes for the dance." That's when I asked my son, "Aaron, with what am I going to buy you some new clothes? I'm not sure we have the money for that."
I could see that he was dejected but attempted to understand. I felt badly because I desperately wanted to do this for him.
That's when I started to pray. "Lord, help me find a way to get Aaron some new clothes for the Snow Ball."
I didn't tell the Hubs of my prayer, it was just between God and me. I didn't tell my friends so they would feel indebted to buy an apron so Aaron could have a new pair of pants or a sweater. I kept it just between the two of us, the Lord and myself. And do you know what happened? He heard my prayer, as He always does and this time, He honored it with a yes. In a week's time, I had enough apron orders that I was able to say to my boy, "Aaron, I'm going to take you shopping and buy you some clothes with the apron money I earned this week."
So last Saturday I took my middle OS out to lunch (used a coupon) and then we went shopping (with a coupon.) Our time was even more blessed because of who got us there (the Lord) and why (sweet folks wanting an apron). In my wildest dreams and prayers, never did I imagine that God would bless me so richly through aprons of all things!

The hugs and love my OS lavished upon me were reward enough. We had silly times as we tried to find pants that fit his trim frame and less than tall stature. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The pants were too big or too long, nearly impossible to get the perfect size but alas we found a handsome outfit worthy of my boy! We left the store excited about the upcoming dance and envisioned all the ladies swooning around him as they admired his muscles, beauty and fancy new threads! HA!

I have been sewing like a crazy woman. My sewing machine is whirrrrrring all the time. There is fabric strewn throughout the house and I'm having a blast helping my family and being creative. The Lord truly does give us the desires of our heart and this moment with Aaron is one of many blessings I've received through His goodness manifested in APRONS. More to come, I can't wait to tell you more stories like this!
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