Tuesday, February 10, 2009

PJ Pants

Now that Ike's in sixth grade, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't make him his first pair of custom-designed pajama pants for Spirit Week? 

Answer: I would be the worst mother in the world, that's whom I'd be! Not saying that YOU are a horrible mom of a middle schooler if you haven't made a your child custom-designed pajama pants for Spirit Week, I'm only talking about myself! No guilt zone, k?

As I talked with my friend, Michele, we agreed that since our sons are besties, we would make them matching pajamas. Then we considered another one of their good buds and decided to offer to make some for him too. When I suggested to Michele that we could probably crank out maybe even pj pants for two other kids, Michele was quick to use her assertive communication skills and say, "NO!" I am very thankful for her common sense because it preserved both my sanity and our friendship!

After a basketball game, Michele and I took our two boys to one of a sixth grade boys' favorite stores...JoAnn Fabrics. Oh noooooo, they didn't feel too awkward looking through all the material! Hungry and tired after the game, we were relieved when when we finally found the perfect material but then discovered there wasn't enough of it to make three pj pants so guess what we got to do? That's right...we got to take our tired and starving 12 year boys to their second favorite store...Hancock Fabrics! Try it sometime. If you have a 12 year old son and he complains about having nothing to do, offer to take him to a fabric store and see what happens! So much fun!

Our stomachs were growling and with only 15 minutes before closing time, we all settled on this fabric. It had to be the perfect blend of not too serious so people thought it was lame and not too babyish so people aka the dreaded eighth graders wouldn't mercilessly mock and shame our sons for the remainder of their lives. That is not the easiest thing to do by the way. Michele and I planned on beginning our sewing project on Saturday and we were going to crank these pj pants out in no time at all...

Famous last words...


The Browns said...

i hear there is a really easy pattern for making pajama pants out of a flat twin sheet. so i've been collecting soft vintage twin sheets for about a year. still haven't found the pattern, or learned to sew, but i've got a great stack of projects if/when that ever happens!

Jenna said...

thanks for stopping by and commenting.

after not hearing from some moms-of-sons-only, i was starting to worry.

i can say, too, that having sons has been healing for me. God was so good to give me sons first. i'm still working through all my horrible pre-conceived notions about boys being one-dimension, emotional bankrupt, simple. i was wrong. really wrong.

lastly, your family is beautiful!! all of you!