I was checking my facebook aka my lifeline ;) and I had a message from someone very special. It was from my friend Sharon and she and her family were coming to visit! I really love entertaining so naturally I was thrilled but what was even cooler is that this would be the first time I would be meeting this person I call my friend!
Sharon and I met through my blog. A year ago, the West Point Alumni Association placed a link to my blog of their online newsletter. My post was about the fateful day when Nathan began his journey at West Point. The day they posted my blog, I got 1,000 hits on my blog which blew my ever-lovin' mind, y'all!
So that's how we met. We have kept in touch since that time and it's been neat finding out we had a lot in common.

Mom, me too!
Wife, me too!
She blogs, I blog!
She loves Jesus, so do I!
I went to El Salvador and Peru on mission trips; she and her family are moving to Papua, New Guinea to serve the Lord!
I have an OS at West Point; her husband is a grad!

We both used to work with teenagers and teach them healthy life skills! Jazz hands!
And the list goes on and on...
This year I have met several new friends and it's kismet when I meet someone and there is this connection as if we have known each other for a long time.
Suddenly the day went from nothing to do, to having something very special to do! I rushed to the farmer's market and put the OS to work straightening up the house.
I am such a housewifey kind of girl, I set the table pretty which is seriously one of my fave things to do in life. My serotonin levels soar when I am decorating, especially when I am putting special touches around my dining room table, you have no idea.
With my OS's help, (I am determined to raise three sons who know how to cook!), I prepared shepherd's pie, a fresh salad of ruffly, purple lettuce, ripe orange cherry tomatoes and fresh beets and then a bowl of freshly sliced peaches and blueberries. We enjoyed pleasant conversation throughout the night and Nate and Paul discussed WP things. I observed they used acronyms a lot more than non-Army people. ;) If they weren't moving to PNG, I'd want Sharon as a neighbor and close friend. Why, we could do girly things together, she could teach me about letter boxing and geo-caching. I have no idea what I could offer her except a few laughs, but it would have been fun.

After dinner, we treated the Bowers to Goodberry's which is home to the world's most delicious frozen custard.
If you are ever in the area, come over to my house and we'll take you to Goodberry's as well!

In this great big world we live in, as vast and busy as it is, we carved out time to connect face to face with some wonderful people. We got to know each other via the internet but had some precious time together in person. Check out her blog and you'll see why I'm glad to have this new lady in my life and heart!
You are the best "table setter" I know! Glad to see you had something so positive to concentrate on this week. You have been in my thoughts :-)
I don't know why Susan's comment isn't appearing but if it does, yes, I made the table runner. I took a quilting class and came up with this after I learned some quilting basics. The back of the table runner is raspberry material. I have made two of these, they were fun! Thanks for liking it!
It's beautiful, Cindy! And I just wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel about decorating a table and preparing a meal! It's like a high for me.
Isn't God so sweet? He knew exactly when to send Sharon's family your way.
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