And I tend to think of reading as a gift because it sym- bolizes time where I am not busy. We are blessed beyond measure to live in a country where books are bountiful and many of us are literate. I am disheartened to have encountered many teenagers who cannot read at a grade appropriate level. Reading, in my opinion, unlocks your mind and gives you opportunity.
I am proud of myself because in a matter of about pages, I will soon finish one book, purpose to finish other and complete a book I've been reading with Isaac for oh, say, the last 18 months.

Here are the books that I will soon have read in their entirety. Drum roll, bugles, fireworks, balloons, please...

Three Cups of Tea - the author came to West Point for a book signing and my OS got me an autographed copy! Amazing story!

The 2 Degree Difference - a book I bought at a marriage conference that's been quite inspiring
and finally

Pistol - The Life of Pete Maravich - a book I NEVER would have read by myself and when Ike announced that there was an F-bomb in the first page, I promptly grabbed the book out of my 12 (then 11 year old's hands!), thank you very much! Surprisingly, we have thoroughly enjoyed this biography for the last, oh say, 18 months with my OS Ike.
I can't wait to tell you about them because each, in their own right, has been a changing transformative experience. Please note the ever-so-subtle word-smithing I used - transportative/transformative. Wow.
But I thought I'd enlist your help and see what YOU think I should read. In an attempt to be resourceful with the things I have at home that do not require an additional purchase, I have the following books on my list.
Which one do you think I should read next?
Here are your/my choices:
Off the Deep End - The probably insane idea that I could swim my way through a midlife crisis-and qualify for the Olympics by W. Hodding Carter
Around the World in 80 Dinners - 50,000 Miles, 10 Countries, 800 Dishes and 1 Rogue Monkey by Cheryl and Bill Jamison
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger - a book that is on my mom's and husband's lists of best books of their lives
I would appreciate your suggestions. Now back to reading! I look forward to the results!
I don't know any of those books, but I just finished The Duggars: 20 and Counting. It was encouraging to me. You can get it at the library. I'm also still on my 5th reading of Created To Be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl. Have you seen any of the books at Lamplighter Publishing? Awesome books - not cheap, but GREAT books. I'll loan you some on the condition you give me your credit card to make sure I get them back! :o) Do you know about the ladies at Proverbs One is a friend of mine from my college days. Their devotionals are so encouraging to me. Most have books out as well. Happy reading!
Thanks Jules! At this time though I am concentrating on getting to a book that I have in my hands, that I can mark up and plunge into. Those books definately sound interesting though!
Firt of all, it is so cool that you have the autographed "Three Cups of Tea." I have been on the waiting list for that at the library for stinking ever.
Part of me would say read the book about Afghanistan. After reading the Khaled Hosseini books, that country has made a little nest in my heart.
I have followed the story of W. Hodding Carter on NPR, and his book does sound really interesting. I read an excerpt in a magazine and thought of getting it for Tim.
Any book about travel AND cooking makes me salivate.
But, if I had to choose only one, I would go with "Peace Like a River." I have been wanting to read that one, too. I mean, if someone says it's the best book of their lives, you should probably go with it.
Please let us know which one you do read next. (And I can't believe I beat Meredith to commenting on a post about books!)
Heehee. I concur with Jenn and would start with _Peace Like a River_.
_Three Cups of Tea_ is on my agenda too. Very popular this year! Our church is even doing a reading group on it next month, but I think I am going to be a bit busy with Henry.
I vote for Peace Like a River, I would like to know more about it. I read Three Cups of Tea earlier this year and also liked it. Another educational choice would be Dreams From my Father by Mr. President himself.
Carol T
I haven't read any of those books, but I have added them to my reading list. I am always looking for recommendations. Jenn - I am now #70 on the library waiting list for "Three Cups of Tea." Happy Reading Cindy!
Mama, I think Around the World in 80 dinners would be a good one for you. That's my vote.
Sounds like Aaron is letting his appetite speak for him. Good thing he's off for some good Guatemalan food soon! :) As for the books, why is there a question? Your mama and daddy obviously have given you a great suggestion! :)
Allow me to suggest a fictional work, The Elegance of the Hedgehog. It's a beautifully written book. The story is wonderful and the characters are lovable and unforgettable. Plus, you'll love all the big, super-spiffy-vocabulary words too.
I didn't want it to end.
Hope you enjoy it too!
Geralin Thomas (@metrozing on Twitter)
I SO love reading your blogs, such inspiration!!! (and so glad that I feel like I have a new "e" friend via the West Point Moms (in my case , hopefully some day West Point Mom,) The story about the books...well, last Fall I gave my 14 year old "The Ultimate Gift" by Jim Stovall...and asked that he read a chapter a day so that we could talk about was AMAZING!!! The conversations tha we had are priceless and I will forever remember them! I don't know if you've read it but it's one of those "forever etched in my memory" moments with my son! Keep writing!!! Thanks
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