Oh no, my friends. You see on September 3, 2009 I was going to meet my niece for the very first time. I babysat my two nephews while their mama, (my sister) went into labor. We played, I wiped a butt, fed them lunch, read stories, watched train videos on YouTube and had a very silly time. It doesn't get better than that! Here is video proof that we had fun in case there was any ever doubt! (I'm trying to load this onto my post, I apologize in advance if you don't see it!)
The Hubs came with me so as soon as my brother-in-law called, I could hustle on over to the hospital. And at 2:22 pm, my darling niece, Rachel Shiloh entered our world. I was honored to meet her before she was even an hour old. I never cried at the birth of my own OS (of course I was overjoyed!) but when I saw this little bundle of girl, tears filled my eyes. Rachel is probably my only niece that will know me well because she lives nearby. It will be wonderful to see her grow and develop into her own little person. I am now AuntDeeeees to Rachel Shiloh, praise the Lord!

So that was suppose to be my blog post - as my nephew Josiah would say, "the-end!" Happy, happy, joy, joy, right???
But then my intended blog post became altered. That's because on September 7, 2009, I returned back to the same hospital. This time it wasn't to see my niece, it was to visit my mom. She has pneumonia and had a slight heart attack on Sunday. My mom was going to help my sister and in the wee hours of the night, she became disoriented and shaky. She was admitted to the hospital and there she remains until things get better.
It's times like these that I am ever thankful for my faith. I am not leaning on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) and I'm trying not to borrow trouble (Matthew 6:34). If I get too caught up on all the "what if's" I will be miserable (Philippians 4:6).
All I know is that today I got to see my mom and although she is sick, she is a blessing and still laughs at my jokes. And before I saw my mom, I went to my sister's and got to hold Rachel and rub her little back. She was sleeping so soundly, her pink lips making a sucking motion and her tiny legs tucked snugly almost as if she was still in the womb. One of her arms rested on my side and yes, I melted.
This week I hope to be going to New York to see my oldest OS, my baby!. May it be so dear Lord!
1 comment:
oh I am so delighted to hear the news of Rachel. Praying for them all, and for your Mum too. x
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