Besides I was busy sewing my aprons for unknown people for an unknown purpose and if he wasn't incapacitated, I had mounds of material awaiting construction.
However as the morning lingered, the Hubs continued to complain about his stubbed toe. When he eventually showed it to me, it was ghastly! Dark shades of red and purple melted together on his little middle toe, ew! It didn't look stubbed, it looked mangled! Talk about gee-ross.
So how do you know you married a good man? When your hubs traipses your handmade aprons downtown with a broken toe and tries to sell them at local stores. That's how you know you are loved.
The Hubs has successfully passed many "tests," - last year when I broke my foot, he proved his love for me and then there are scores of other times that are none of your beeswax when he has shown me sacrificial, undeserved love.

How many aprons did he sell? I can hear you wondering. He sold nada. Nothing. Zilch. They didn't kick him, his fractured phalange of the foot along with my aprons out of the stores, thank the Lord! Nor did they say they would never, ever consider selling such rubbish! But did it matter to me? Heck, no!

For me it's the humbling image of a man who believed in me enough in me that despite his discomfort, was willing to limp down the sidewalk with my aprons in hopes that he could sell them for me.
Lemme tell ya, making these aprons has turned into a spiritual endeavor. I have so much to learn and tell, isn't it amazing how God can use the simplest things to teach us?
The idea of my sweet hubs limping through our quaint downtown trying to sell his wife's wares is seriously a better gift than if he had sold every last one.
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