And have you noticed that when that happens that person usually is clueless as to the depth of the statement s/he has just made?

If you answered yes to these questions, you will understand what happened to me today at the Apple Store.
I had scheduled a One-on-One appointment with a skilled Apple technician because as of Wednesday, I became the proud owner of a brand new aluminum 15" MacBookPro. This computer purchase was necessitated because I was never the owner of the MacBookPro I have been using years with my job. But when I lost my job in June, essentially I lost all rights to that computer. It wasn't mine, was never mine and they deserved to get it back. It's as simple as that. On this cloudy summer day, I brought both
computers to the Apple Store to make sure I had transferred all the personal stuff from the old computer to my new "baby."
Austin, the Apple guy, guided me through the process and everything was going quite well. I had been looking forward to the appointment and getting the job done. With great ease, Austin helped me and erased non-work items off the computer.
And then he said it...
"There won't be any trace of you on this computer."
And with a nod of my head, Austin clicked a few more things and 1,866 items began to disappear before my very eyes.
I choked back the tears. I thought to myself, "Don't cry. Don't. Cry. You're at the Apple Store for Pete sake! Puh-lease!" So I adjusted my emotional big girl panties and didn't cry. Wow, that wasn't easy! There were some quiet and awkward moments where neither Austin nor I spoke. I composed myself and watched the computer transition from being something I used and personalized to being just another inanimate piece of work equipment ready for someone else. Austin was right. There isn't any trace of me on the computer.
I hope I will be remembered for the work I did and the love I poured into it. But more importantly, as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, oh how I want to have lived a life that matters. I pray that the traces of me I leave behind are worthy of the life I was given.
Psalm 103:15-16 and verse 22

As for man, his days are like grass,
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.
Praise the LORD, all his works
everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the LORD, O my soul.
There may not be traces of you left on the computer, but I know there are traces of you on every kid in Wake county who ever heard you speak. Even on the smarty-pants kids who thought they were too cool to listen.
And I am a proud carrier of Cindy traces!
I was going to say the same thing, and I don't even *know* you the way Jenn does.
That computer was just a convenient and very helpful piece of metal - a tool in your hands. However, you are living flesh and blood with a heart to share what is good and right in God's eyes and you did time after time - even when you felt overwhelmed, ineffective, downtrodden, etc. God used you - a very precious and fined tuned instrument in His hands - to show the world His love and concern for the very kids He created and placed in their mothers' wombs. I was just thinking about the program, wondering if we made a difference, and then I heard the words, "You are worth the wait." If nothing else was effective - the games, activities, even our testimonies - hearing someone say that you have worth is priceless. One day - in heaven - you will see all the lives that you touched - all the Cindy traces. I am sure of it.
In the meantime, who knows what God has planned for you and your new - VERY OWN - computer! (He does).
Love you!
That computer was just a convenient and very helpful piece of metal - a tool in your hands. However, you are living flesh and blood with a heart to share what is good and right in God's eyes and you did time after time - even when you felt overwhelmed, ineffective, downtrodden, etc. God used you - a very precious and fined tuned instrument in His hands - to show the world His love and concern for the very kids He created and placed in their mothers' wombs. I was just thinking about the program, wondering if we made a difference, and then I heard the words, "You are worth the wait." If nothing else was effective - the games, activities, even our testimonies - hearing someone say that you have worth is priceless. One day - in heaven - you will see all the lives that you touched - all the Cindy traces. I am sure of it.
In the meantime, who knows what God has planned for you and your new - VERY OWN - computer! (He does).
Love you!
I'm back from my blogging vacation.
Wow...I almost posted that exact verse this morning. Thanks for the reminder...God had already spoken it to me. I think I am getting the point that it's what I needed to think about today!!!
I KNOW there are great things ahead for you. I can't wait to hear about all your new adventures!
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