In an effort to help me gain a more positive perspective, I wanted to reflect on some memorable moments in 2007.
Peru - During the summer, I went on a mission trip to Lima, Peru. The Lord taught me that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

I look at the globe on my desk and find myself in disbelief that I really traveled to that dusty land without my family.
I remember watching my feet walk along the cobblestone steps on the way to my hotel room and it was like an out of body experience. What was I doing in a place like this? God touched my heart and is moving me to ponder future adventures...hmmm...
Children - My children are growing and I still enjoy them very much. How blessed I am to have three sons who still snuggle with me and display affection. We are silly and serious and my OS bring me joy in every way. I love how Aaron gave me a penguin Christmas card this year and I was the only person to get a card. He remembered that I love penguins (it's common knowledge that I love penguins) but took the time to buy the card and write a tender message on it for me.

I love how Nathan indulges my corny jokes and lets me hold his hand.
Even when we're at the mall, he'll still let me grab onto his elbow even if it's not long enough for me. I rejoice in Isaac's quick wit and orange hair.
He is my Freckled Fire and I adore him.
Organization - It was a brave step to allow an organizational consultant into my nasty home office. For years that room had been a place of embarrassment and shame. With a lot of hard work and her optimistic vision, my home office was transformed into a pretty room with personality.
I took the doors off the office, that's how good it looks.
I never imagined the transformation that took place but it all came together.
Home Improvements - The Lord blessed my husband this year in the area of home
improvements. My DH designed our new kitchen island, built me a super cool chalkboard for a kitchen wall and installed travertine tiles on the floor. And that's not all! Mark discovered his inner handyman and it's been wonderful to see him develop new talents and prove to himself that he can tinker around the house.
Nephews -

This year our family welcomed Josiah Samuel into our lives. He is my sister Denise's youngest boy. Josiah is a precious butterball. His two year old brother, Jon knows my name and they all live nearby. This is the first time I have had the opportunity to really be an aunt. I love my aunts so much and my boys love my sisters, I just wanted to have the chance to really know what it's like. As far as I can tell, being an aunt is second only to being a grandparent. It's the best of all worlds because you're not responsible to raise them but can lavish love and affection and leave when you want.
Ok, I'm feeling better. 2007 had exciting journeys and unexpected blessings and the new year is about to begin. I'm sure there will be interesting moments along the way.
Right you are, Sister - 2007 was amazing and a little perspective helps. Isn't there a Disney song, "Accentuate the positive, something something the negative." See, it's all good!
Those are some handsome boys! I wish you and yours a wonderful 2008 filled with peace!
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